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Keep your Children's Beautiful Smile for Life

Unfortunately, many parents think that early deterioration of primary teeth and pulling them out do not matter because permanent teeth will grow instead. And, lack of enough care for the primary teeth causes unforgiven damages to the permanent teeth roots, causing them uneven growth and premature decay.

Flossing can make a big difference in preventing decay. So caring parents, when the teeth are in contact with each other - around age two to five years - they start using dental floss on their children's teeth to keep their beautiful smile.

It would be ideal to use dental floss on your kids before they go bed at least twice a week to get the good result you’d be happy with their oral health.

To use dental floss properly, click here:  The Benefits and How to Use Orkid Dental Floss

To treat bad breath click here:  Medical Information by Orkid's Expert Researchers


Keep your Children
Date: 3/5/2016         (visite count : 6217) Source:

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